At Springwell Community College Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and confidence required to fulfil their potential during their time at Springwell and in the future. Each student has the opportunity to experience a range of activities that provide crucial information and guidance on their journey to adult working life. The high quality CEIAG helps raise and broaden student aspirations, as well as identifying pathways to relevant future careers.
The CEIAG programme at Springwell has been developed around the “Good Careers Guidance” Gatsby Benchmarks. These 8 benchmarks have been adopted by the Government as the standard for all schools to achieve in their CEIAG programmes and provide clear guidance for schools and colleges when supporting students in making their future career choices.
The college aims to work with both students and their parents and carers in conjunction with local employers, in providing clear and impartial careers advice and experiences that allow individual students to make informed choices about their future careers that reflect the current local and national labour market and equip each individual student with the best chance of future success.
To achieve this, the careers programme is reviewed on a regular basis and all careers events are evaluated to gauge the impact of student engagement and development. The college also closely monitors the destinations of all Year 11 students to ensure the number not in education, employment or training is minimised. This is measured using the NEET figure published each year by the Government.
The college is also part of the North Derbyshire Careers Hub, as well as working closely with the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.
Martin Edwards
Assistant Headteacher/Careers Lead
01246 473873
For further information regarding CEIAG at Springwell please see our Careers Education/Information Advice and Guidance Policy(opens in new tab) or e-mail: