Safeguarding at Springwell Community College
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility – governors, staff, parents, carers, students and the wider community. We all have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
If you have concerns about the health, safety or well-being of a student, you should share this information with an appropriate member of college staff immediately. Any concern, however small you may feel it is, is important and we would rather you share these concerns, than miss a bigger issue.
If your concerns are of a child protection nature, where you feel a child may be subjected to either physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect, you should ask to speak to a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) immediately.
Safeguarding Students: Parents and Carers should be aware that the college will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its students. In cases where the college has reason to be concerned that a student may be subject to ill-treatment, neglect or other form of abuse, staff have no alternative but to follow Derbyshire Safeguarding Partnership procedures and inform Social Care of their concern.