Our college day runs from 08:30 to 15:05 Monday to Thursday and 08:30 to 14:40 on a Friday. The college is open for a total  of 32 hours and 30 minutes a week.

Monday to Thursday

08.30 – 08.50 Registration / Assembly in Year Group 
08.50 – 09.50 Period One 
09.50 – 10.50 Period Two 
10.50 – 11.05 Morning Break 
11.05 – 12.05 Period Three 
12.05 – 13.05 Period Four 
13.05 – 13.45 Lunchtime 
13.45 – 14.05 Registration 
14.05 – 15.05 Period Five 


08.30 – 08.50 Registration / Assembly in Year Group 
08.50 – 09.45 Period One 
09.45 – 10.40 Period Two 
10.40 – 10.55 Morning Break 
10.55 – 11.50 Period Three 
11.50 – 12.45 Period Four 
12.45 – 13.25 Lunchtime 
13.25 – 13.45 Registration 
13.45 – 14.40 Period Five 

College Closure Arrangements 

Every effort will be made to keep the college open during inclement weather.  However, in the unlikely event that severe weather or other emergency make it difficult to open the college safely, the following will be considered: 

 A later start to the college day 

  • A partial closure where only a certain year group or groups will be expected to attend 
  • A full closure of the college 

 Decisions will be made, whenever possible, by 07.30. 

 Updates on these decisions will be shared via: 

 Text messages to parents, carers and staff – parents, carers and staff should ensure the   college holds the correct mobile telephone number 

  • College website and social media

 Students are reminded of safety on their way to college and on the college site: 

  • Wrap up warm 
  • Wear sensible footwear 
  • Walk carefully and sensibly