The PSHE curriculum is based on three thematic areas; Health and Well Being, Living in the Wider World and Relationships.

The curriculum is also spiral and each year may revisit some areas but builds upon prior learning in an age appropriate and considered way.

In addition, visiting speakers are included throughout the year to enrich and support our curriculum from NCS to Chesterfield College to British Red Cross offering first aid sessions.  PSHE is also dynamic and will adapt and change to incorporate topical or current issues or to complement visiting events within college, such as Kayleigh’s Love Story, Zebra Red or Waste Watchers.  In addition, certain events do not fit into the theme but will run those strands – such as Local Democracy Week in October, where local councillors come in to debate issues with students.  An important part of teaching Fundamental British Values that needs incorporating despite not fitting the theme.

PD Year 7 LTP

PD Year 8 LTP

PD Year 9 LTP

PD Year 10 LTP

PD Year 11 LTP